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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Arthurs Seat - Edinburgh

We have just recently returned from a short trip to Edinburgh.  During our trip we decided to make an early morning (I really do mean early, like 6am!) trip to Arthurs Seat. Now, if you know what a seat looks like and you think its just a seat for a man called Arthur you are gravely mistaken!

Yup, its a big hill - or actually its an old Volcano. Its not about to go boom any second so its quite OK to get close without some fire extinguishers!
Anyway, as it turned out it was well worth the early wake up time and there are a few tips for you on how to get here safely.  Before all that though, check out this video on what you can expect to see:

Arthurs Seat by Drone

Firstly - unless you are a complete idiot... DO NOT attempt this in the dark or in bad weather. We learnt that the night before we visited some chump had decided to head up there after dark and just before a snow storm. It ended in them breaking an ankle and getting mr chopper the heliopter man and mountain rescue out to save him.  It is not something you want to do if you are not fit, and capable or in the dark

Secondly - there are two ways up the top.  The first one starts just opposite Holyrood Palace and looks like a gentle climb but shortly after youve invested too much time and its too late to turn back it accends into a hell climb full of steep, slipery steps, slippery paths and then slippery rocks.  The second path starts on Queens Drive, so basically turn right at Holyrood Palace, follow the road round and to the left til you get around the back side (theres a joke there somewhere) of Arthurs Seat, and there is a slightly less risk of death way up.  You still have to climb up rocky paths to get to the very top but its a much better way than the first one!

Thirdly - please be bloody careful. You need to take it slowly, and be sure of your footing. If it is slippery in any way this is a very dangerous place to be.  Ensure you have good footwear. If you are in any way about to attempt this ins flip flops, or those awful Crocks then quite frankly you deserve to fall off the edge!

If you are careful, then you will very much enjoy Arthurs Seat and be glad you did it.
If you feel as though its too dangerous then sit back, relax and take a look at what you could have seen below:

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